The Case for Re-opening

“The Case for Re-opening Carno Station” is a four page document which looks at:

  • the Benefits of a station and how it fits in with the Wales Spatial Plan
  • the History of the Campaign
  • the Implications for Carno of the Proposed Cambrian Line Hourly Service
  • Station Costs

The full document can be viewed here.

The conclusions are as follows:

  • A re-opened Carno station would be a major benefit for a large, relatively remote village, which has seen and will continue to see significant population growth.
  • The station would facilitate commuting to jobs further afield, including the new Welsh Assembly Government jobs in Aberystwyth, following the Laura Ashley factory closure.
  • The station would promote social inclusion, by providing transport for the old, the young and others without their own car. This would reduce the need for “chauffeuring”.
  • The station would encourage green tourism and expanded use of the community centre as a conference centre.
  • The station would provide crucial environmental benefits by reducing car journeys for work, shopping and leisure purposes.
  • There would be spin-off benefits from reduced congestion in Newtown.
  • Re-opening of the station would be fully consistent with the Wales Spatial Plan
  • The envisaged implementation of infrastructure improvements for the hourly service in conjunction with the installation of the ERTMS signalling system provides a vital opportunity to establish a passing loop at Carno in 2008. This in turn would enable trains to stop at a re-opened Carno station without imposing any time delay on the train service.

Go to the full document.